St. Nicholas' Fortress - UNESCO Világörökségek Horvátország

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St. Nicholas' Fortress in Šibenik, as an integral part of the Venetian defense system made between the 15th and 17th century, is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List as of 2017. Located on the island of Ljuljevac at the entrance of St. Anthony Channel, it contributed to the protection of the port of Šibenik and the city itself. This example of classic Venetian construction isolated at sea, is recognized as an outstanding monument of architectural world heritage.

Constructed according to Giangirola Sanmicheli’s project the fortress is triangular in shape, rare for examples of defensive architecture of that time, and built of white stone and brick. The specialty of the fortress lies in the preservation of its original form and the rare ventures of Renaissance design it presents. The construction itself began in 1540 when the city of Skradin fell under Turkish rule, after which the Venetian Republic intervened in the protection of one of the most important cities on the Adriatic - Šibenik. Thus the Benedictine monastery of St. Nicholas on the islet was destroyed to make place for a fortification fortress of the same name. Perhaps because of the stable and menacing shape of the fort, or perhaps not, the fort never actually fulfilled its active defense function. The creation of the fort itself was sufficient protection.

Two years after entering the UNESCO World Heritage List, began the project of tourist valorization of the Fortress, which sought to enable tourist visits to the structure. Which is why today, after a long preparation, St. Nicholas’ Fortress is open to all interested visitors and lovers of unique examples of Renaissance architecture. Ljuljevac islet can be reached by boat from the Šibenik waterfront.

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