Euphrasius Basilica in Porec - UNESCO Világörökségek Horvátország

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Euphrasius Basilica in Porec
Euphrasius Basilica in Porec

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Euphrasius Basilica is the most significant cultural monument of the city of Porec. In 1997 it was placed on UNESCO’s list of world heritage sights. It is made up of a complex of sacral structures erected in the time of Bishop Euphrasius in the 6th century BC. Besides the basilica it also encompasses an atrium, baptistery, the bishop’s court, remains of a mosaic and sacral buildings from the third, fourth, and fifth century AD. The mosaics are well preserved and are only comparable to the ones in Ravenni, Italy. According to the floor mosaics and signs it is possible to follow the phases of building, adaptation and restoration. In the central part of the basilica in apse is a figure of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus surrounded by angels. There is also a figure of bishop Euphrasius holding a model of the church and his cousins. Underneath in rich mosaics there are scenes from the birth announcement of Christ and the visitation to Elisabeth by Virgin Mary. The basilica got the shape that it has today in the 13th and 15th century AD, while the church bell tower was built in the 16th century AD.

Tours are available to be taken every day, except during religious ceremonies.

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