Természetvédelmi terület Vransko

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The Vransko Lake is a phenomenon of nature, and the largest natural lake in Croatia. Located between the two historical towns of Zadar and Sibenik, it is in fact a few kilometres from Biograd. The lake itself along with its surroundings was declared a nature park in 1999. The lake is actually a flooded valley of karsts fields and crypto depression. A number of smaller springs provide fresh water for the lake. Part of the lake is protected as special reservation (since 1983), and the entire lake was declared as a European important bird area (Important Bird Area – IBA) based on the criteria of the European Union. Many rare marshland birds inhabit the area; the lake has an abundance of freshwater fish, and is a real paradise for sport fishermen. Especially valuable are the Mediterranean subspecies of Rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalamus) similar to the roach, Vransko lake is the only place the fish can be found in Croatia.

Vransko lake's natural value has always attracted special attention. Archaeological remains found at the local town of „Crkvine“ and other places along the lake are evidence of the existence of a few roman agricultural estates. Roman inscriptions found at the aqueduct, testify to large farming activities in this area of the Roman empire. The roman aqueducts from the town of Vrane to Zadar, did not only provide water for Zadar, but for all the farming land, that was in its vicinity.

By hiking and biking through the trails of the park, visitors can experience all the smells and colours of „Vransko Lake“ nature park, and learn about the rich animal and plant life. Not only will nature lovers find a quality holiday at the park, but sports fishermen can also fish year round, in any part of the lake, except the strict reservation area.

Vransko Lake is located between the cities of Zadar and Sibenik. At Biograd on the Adriatic highway, there is an exit for the lake.

For more information visit www.vransko-jezero.hr

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