Pogosto postavljena vprašanja

Pogosta vprašanja
  • Kako lahko preverim, ali je namestitev prosta?
  • Ali lahko s seboj na dopust pripeljem hišnega ljubljenčka?
  • Kako bom plačal rezervacijo?
  • Kdaj bom dobil svoj Voucher/potni dokument?
  • Splošna vprašanja
  • Moj račun
  • Rezervacije
  • Loyalty Program
  • Referenční program
  • Iskanje namestitve
  • Zasebna namestitev
  • Hiše na samem kot posebna kategorija namestitve
COVID 19 Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja
  • Where can I find information regarding newest rules and regulations in Croatia along with latest Covid 19 related news?
  • Where can I find information regarding travel restrictions and rules for entering Croatia?
  • Is it mandatory to wear masks in Croatia, and do I have to wear them on the beach?
  • Will face masks and disinfectants be available in the accommodation booked?
  • Are there any rules in terms of conversing with the owner of the accommodation on the spot?
  • What measures are taken in the accommodation itself to ensure all safety standards are met?
  • What to do if I want to book an accommodation, but I am unsure if I will be able to travel at all when the booking dates approach due to constant changes in rules and regulations?
  • What happens if the host cancels on me as a guest?
  • Have special cancellation conditions been introduced due to covid 19?
Pravila za promotivne akcije
  • What are promotions?
  • What are promo discounts and / or promo vouchers?
  • Is it possible to combine discounts from promotional actions with discounts from the loyalty program or from the referral program?
  • Is it possible to use discounts from promotions retroactively?
  • What can I use the discount from promotions for?
  • Do I have to be an existing Adriagate user to take advantage of the promotional discount?
  • How long are the promo discounts or vouchers used during the promot campaign valid?
  • Is it possible to save and use the promotional discount when making another reservation?
  • What happens to the promotional discount in case of cancellation of the reservation on which the promo discount was applied?
  • Can I transfer my promo discount to a third party or some other reservation?
  • Do I keep the gift voucher in case of a change in the reservation date?
  • To which part of the price is the promotional discount applied?
  • How can I find out which promotions are currently valid?
  • Ladje
  • Kabine
  • Hrana in pijače
  • Vkrcavanje in izkrcavanje
  • Pomembne informacije
  • Prtljaga in oblačila
Rent a car
  • Kje na Hrvaškem lahko najamem avto?
  • What is excess deductible?
  • What is Basic Protect?
  • What is Smart Protect?
  • What is Premium Protect?
  • Is it necessary to fill out a police report in case the vehicle is damaged?
  • What happens in case my flight lands late after working hours?
  • Can I come to pick up the vehicle with credit card owned by another person?
  • What is the amount of deposit needed on my card?
  • Can I collect a vehicle in one city and bring it back in another city?
  • In which countries is it not allowed to go with a rental vehicle?
  • Is it possible to deliver /collect the car out of the Croatia?
  • How long does the procedure of renting a car last?
  • What is procedure in case of damage on the vehicle?
  • What if I do not get a full tank of gas?
  • Kje lahko rezerviram transfer do rezerviranega objekta?
  • What if I need a return transfer?
  • What if my flight is delayed?
  • Travelling in a larger group or unable to find my destination when booking?
  • What if I need a transfer to the island?
  • Why is a private transfer service superior to taking a taxi on the spot?
  • Is tip included in the price?
  • How should I pay for the transfer?
  • What if I wish to cancel my booking?
Ladijske karte
  • Kje lahko izvem več informacij o trajektnih linijah na Hrvaškem?

Ukoliko još uvijek niste na našoj web stranici pronašli ono što tražite, nazovite nas na +385 (0)21 271 870

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Members of
Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian travel agencies
Travelife - Sustainability in tourism
Secure payment HTZ

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