Kruiz Luxury cruise from Dubrovnik to Split

Порт: Dubrovnik      

Маршрут плавания по дням

Departure day Sunday
Check-in 13:00 h
дней 8 days / 7 nights
Check-out 09:00 h

Проверить цены и наличие

Adriatic Queen

Category: Deluxe Superior   |   Twin/Double cabins: 14   |   Triple cabins: 1   |   Main deck: 15 cabins   |   Кондиционер: во всех каютах: да   |   солнечная палуба: 220 m2   |   WiFi internet: да   |   LCD TV: да   |   джакузи: да
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Good to know

Price information
Доплаты: Tourist tax and port fees - 55,00 eur per person
Service Type: Halfboard
Payment and cancellation terms
Payment conditions: 300 eur per person at the time of the booking and the balance 45 days prior to the scheduled departure date OR payment in full at the time of the booking.
Cancellation conditions: Cruise cancellation conditions: From the day of confirmation up to 30 days before the scheduled arrival - 300 eur per person
29-22 days - deposit + 25% of the remaining balance
21-15 days - deposit + 50% of the remaining balance
14-0 days of the remaining balance - 100% fee
Категории круизы
Credit card payment possible



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