Apartmaji Jozo

Od 26,43-28,57 € na osebo
Cena na osebo/dan:a 26.43 €
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2 osebe
  • Odraslih(18+)
  • Otrok(12-18)
  • Otrok (3-11)
  • Dojenčkov(0-2)
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Če rezervirate to namestitev, boste prejeli darilni bon v vrednosti .
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Izberite veljavno sestanek, da vidim kako in dinamiko plačila za to nepremičnino.

      Oglejte si zemljevid Oglejte si zemljevid

      Hiša je ocenjena z oceno 4,8, od maksimalne možne ocene 5, katero naši gosti lahko dajo vsaki namestitvi po bivanju v njen. Svoje izkušnje v namestitvi lahko gosti ocenijo in komentirajo in na ta način izrazijo svoje zadovoljstvo s kvaliteto namestitve in domačina.

      Roštilj, ki ga v svoji ponudbi ima ta hiša, vam daje možnost, da sebi in svojim najdražjim nudite edinstveno mediteransko doživetje s pripravo avtohtone jedi: ribe iz žara. Ribo lahko kupite v lokalni ribarnici, v večji trgovini ali direktno pri ribiču, mi pa vam priporočamo, da pripravite modro ribo, npr. sardelo ali skušo.

      Zelo pomembno je dodati, da se ta objekt nahaja 50 m od centra Stanići (Omiš). Morje je oddaljeno 150 m.

      Dopust preživite na plaži, ki je prod, do katere je 200 m. Na plaži se sprostite ob šumu valov in vonju borovega gozdička.

      Kvaliteta te turistične destinacije je potrjena tudi z oceno 4,4od maksimalne ocene 5, ki so jo dali naši gosti po bivanju na tej destinaciji.

      Poglej več  Zapri 


      Z rezervacijo preko Adriagate prejmete darilni bon v vrednosti 50 do 150 €, ki ga lahko unovčite pri naslednji rezervaciji. Za več informacij obiščite Darilni bon »

      Splošnii pogoji
      Cena od: 26,43 €

      Free Internet
      Free Air conditioning
      Cena od: 26,43 €

      Free Internet
      Free Air conditioning
      Cena od: 26,43 €

      Free Internet
      Free Air conditioning
      Cena od: 30,36 €

      Free Internet
      Free Air conditioning

      Dobro je vedeti

      Drugo i dodatne storitve
      • Oskrba z vodo: mestni vodovod
      • Najbližji Narodni park: Krka m
      • Mesto, v katerem je morje: Stanići
      Check in
      • Check-in: 14:00
      Check out
      • Check-out: 10:00
      Sigurnosni standardi
      • Dezinfekcija između boravka gostiju
      • Kutija prve pomoći
      • Održavanje posteljine prema smjernicama lokalnih vlasti
      • Dostupno sredstvo za dezinfekciju ruku
      • Dostupne maske za lice
      • Mjerenje temperature osoblja
      • Primjena zaštitne opreme i distance
      • Vrsta plaže: prod
      • Najbližja plaža: 200 m
      • Magistralna cesta na poti do plaže
      Prostor za parkiranje
      • Prostor za parkiranje
      Pristup objektu
      • Dostop osebnega vozila do objekta: dober
      • Prometna povezanost z javnimi prevoznimi sredstvi: dobra
      Aktivnosti v objektu
      • Roštilj
      Možno plačati s karticami

      Komentarji gostov

      Skupna ocena gostov
      Vrednost za denar

      • Sijajno 4.2
        Familie United States of America
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 22/08/2024
        Spacious and clean
        Very spacious and clean apartment that is equipped with the basics: plates, utensils, pots and pans, coffee maker, sandwich toaster, towels, etc. The host was pleasant and gave us privacy. There are a couple of beaches nearby: Podcrkvlje-turn left as you exit the building and go down 365 steps straight to the beach. Restaurants Sirena and Plima are right here too. Beach Stomarica-turn right as you exit the building and go down a very steep road (5-6 mins) and walk down 164 steps to the beach. Waikiki bar is here too. Both beaches have bathrooms and showers. We enjoyed the daily exercise but the location might not be suitable for older individuals or someone that has difficulty walking.
        Given the size of the apartment the host should consider adding a washing machine for clothes. Adding an additional climate unit in the 2nd bedroom would be beneficial as the unit in the living room does not reach the bedrooms even though there are 2 standing fans that help circulate the air.
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Sijajno 4.2
        Familie United States of America
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 22/08/2024
        Spacious and clean
        Very spacious and clean apartment that is equipped with the basics: plates, utensils, pots and pans, coffee maker, sandwich toaster, towels, etc. The host was pleasant and gave us privacy. There are a couple of beaches nearby: Podcrkvlje-turn left as you exit the building and go down 365 steps straight to the beach. Restaurants Sirena and Plima are right here too. Beach Stomarica-turn right as you exit the building and go down a very steep road (5-6 mins) and walk down 164 steps to the beach. Waikiki bar is here too. Both beaches have bathrooms and showers. We enjoyed the daily exercise but the location might not be suitable for older individuals or someone that has difficulty walking.
        Given the size of the apartment the host should consider adding a washing machine for clothes. Adding an additional climate unit in the 2nd bedroom would be beneficial as the unit in the living room does not reach the bedrooms even though there are 2 standing fans that help circulate the air.
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 5
        Familie Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 29/07/2024
        Priestranny apartman blizko plaze
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 4.8
        Gruppe Poland
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 11/07/2023
        Czyste przestronne wygodne
        Jedyna wada to około 360 schodów do plaży, trzeba mieć kondycję 😉😃
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Mirosław, thank you for your kind words! Your favorable review provides great satisfaction. We are happy to be a part of your beautiful memories of your vacation in Croatia. We are at your service. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 5
        Familie Hungary
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 03/09/2021
        A szállás kényelmesen tágas
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 5
        Familie Poland
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 10/10/2019
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Sijajno 4.4
        Familie Hungary
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 03/08/2019
        Jól felszerelt, kényelmes, tágas, tiszta apartman. Az apartmanhoz legközelebb lévő strand is nagyon szép és kiépített.
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Sijajno 4.2
        Familie Czech Republic
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 24/08/2018
        Family friendly, clean appartment.
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 5
        Gruppe Moldova, Republic Of
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 23/07/2018
        Wonderful sea view for morning coffee
        A clean, spacious apartment for a family or a group of friends! On the way to the sea, enjoy the smell of pine needles and the singing of cicadas!
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 4.6
        Familie Belarus
        Ferienwohnung 49881-A1 24/06/2018
        The owner was friendly and ready to help.
        Internet can be improved.
        Prevedi v slovenski


      • Center mesta: 50 m
      • Mesto, v katerem je morje: Stanići
      • Oddaljenost od morja: 150 m
      • Trgovina: 20 m
      • avtobusne postaje: 50 m
      • Letališče: 50000 m
      • Letališče: Split
      • Pristanišče: 35000 m
      • Najbližja trajektna luka: Split
      • Prometna cesta: 15 m
      • Lekarna: 4000 m
      • Ambulanta: 4000 m
      • Menjalnica: 4000 m
      • Bencinska črpalka: 4500 m
      • Oddaljenost od prve sosednje domačije: 15 m
      • Najbližja plaža: 200 m
      • Magistralna cesta na poti do plaže
      • Vrsta plaže: prod
      • Mini golf: 6000 m
      • Potapljaški klub: 4000 m
      • Marina: 4000 m
      • Banka: 4000 m
      • Pošta: 4000 m
      • Bar: 20 m
      • Restavracija: 30 m
      • Muzej/galerija: 4000 m
      • Disco club: 35000 m
      • Najem koles: 4000 m
      • Najem motornega čolna: 200 m
      • Najbližji Narodni park: Krka m

      Zagotovite si ugoden dopust!

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      Croatian National Tourist Board
      Association of Croatian travel agencies
      Travelife - Sustainability in tourism
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