Hiša Vapor

Od 35,72-50,00 € na osebo
Cena na osebo/dan:a 35.72 €
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2 osebe
  • Odraslih(18+)
  • Otrok(12-18)
  • Otrok (3-11)
  • Dojenčkov(0-2)
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      Hiša na samem
      Oglejte si zemljevid Oglejte si zemljevid
      The one bedroom nature house, for up to 4 persons, is located directly on the sea, in the bay of Landjin, on the island of Pasman. All the rooms in the house are on the elevated ground floor. The open-plan kitchen, living and dining room contains sofa for two persons WIFI and a SAT-TV. In the kitchen there is a fridge with a freezer compartment (total capacity of 230l), and a gas stove (3 burners and an oven). The bedroom is equipped with a double bed. The bathroom equipment includes a shower with warm and cold water, a toilet and a washbasin. Bed linen and bathroom towels are included, fresh arrive once a week. Beach towels are not available. The terrace is furnished, and a build barbecue is placed on it as well. Deck chairs are also available. The water for the garden shower warms up by the warmth of the sun. The electricity and the water should be spent here sparingly. Running cold water is installed in the kitchen and the bathroom sink. Considering that the water is staying in the tank in hot weather, it is recommend to boil it before drinking, or to buy bottled drinking water. The water from the tank is fine as it is, for cooking and washing. Electricity is generated by solar power, 12 V, so no household appliancies may be used except of battery rechargers and lights. We recommend to the guests to bring their mobile phone, so that they could contact us in case of need. There is one socket in the house (through an inverter) which is fit for a standard plug, so the guests may recharge their mobile phones in the house, with their own standard household recharger. Other sockets are cigar lighter sockets, so it is advisable also to bring the recharger which is used in cars. The owner offers a SUP with two paddles for a surcharge directly to the owner of 10 EUR per day. This holiday rental is accessible by car to about 100m distance, on a makeshift and somewhat coarse (gravel / earth and partially concrete) road over the hill, that can be affected by weather conditions. This road is passable for a regular car, with slow and careful driving. There is an open and free parking lot at 80m from the house. Ferry tickets are not included in the price. Minimum stay is 7 days, from Saturday to Saturday only. The house is bookable all year through, but water can only get heated on the stove, and a winter rental includes additional costs for heating materials. There are two restaurants near the house, one is in bay Landjin 500 m away, and the other restaurant is about 50 m away. No pets, please. Guests are advised to check in during the morning till early afternoon at our agency, because the arrival to the house may be inconvenient at night, and even impossible after the last ferry sailed out. After the check-in in our agency, guests travel to the island. If you find these details unclear or you have any further questions for which answers can not be found here, please contact us. The Agency can not be held responsible if the customer does not inquire for the details that are important to him but are not mentioned, or for details of the object which are out of any reason not completely clear to the customer.

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      Z rezervacijo preko Adriagate prejmete darilni bon v vrednosti 50 do 150 €, ki ga lahko unovčite pri naslednji rezervaciji. Za več informacij obiščite Darilni bon »

      Splošnii pogoji
      Smart choice (Pametna odločitev) – nastanitev je izbrana in ocenjena s strani Adriagate. Predstavlja najboljše razmerje med kvaliteto in ceno.
      Cena od: 35,72 €

      Free Internet

      Dobro je vedeti

      Drugo i dodatne storitve
      • Hiša na samem
      • Oskrba z vodo: rezervoar za vodo
      • Čamac: samo uz prethodnu provjeru s Agencijom
      • Najbližji Narodni park: Kornati m
      • Oodaljenost od Narodni park: 30000 m
      Check in
      • Check-in: 15:00
      Check out
      • Check-out: 09:00
      Sigurnosni standardi
      • Dezinfekcija između boravka gostiju
      • Kutija prve pomoći
      • Održavanje posteljine prema smjernicama lokalnih vlasti
      • Dostupno sredstvo za dezinfekciju ruku
      • Dostupne maske za lice
      • Mjerenje temperature osoblja
      • Primjena zaštitne opreme i distance
      • Vrsta plaže: kamnite in betonske plošče
      • Najbližja plaža: 10 m
      Prostor za parkiranje
      • Prostor za parkiranje
      • Udaljenost do parkinga: 50m - 150 m od kuće
      Pristup objektu
      • Dostop osebnega vozila do objekta: makadamski put
      • Prometna povezanost z javnimi prevoznimi sredstvi: otežena
      Aktivnosti v objektu
      • Roštilj
      • Možnost najema priveza za ladjo
      Podatki o najemodajalcu
      • Znanje angleškega jezika
      • Znanje nemškega jezika
      • Znanje italijanskega jezika
      Možno plačati s karticami

      Komentarji gostov

      Skupna ocena gostov
      Vrednost za denar



      • Center mesta: 4000 m
      • Oddaljenost od morja: 10 m
      • Trgovina: 4000 m
      • Letališče: 40000 m
      • Letališče: Zadar
      • Pristanišče: 4000 m
      • Najbližja trajektna luka: Tkon
      • Prometna cesta: 3000 m
      • Lekarna: 4000 m
      • Ambulanta: 4000 m
      • Menjalnica: 4000 m
      • Bencinska črpalka: 8000 m
      • Oddaljenost od prve sosednje domačije: 20 m
      • Najbližja plaža: 10 m
      • Vrsta plaže: kamnite in betonske plošče
      • Pošta: 4000 m
      • Bar: 4000 m
      • Restavracija: 80 m
      • Oodaljenost od Narodni park: 30000 m
      • Najbližji Narodni park: Kornati m

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      Association of Croatian travel agencies
      Travelife - Sustainability in tourism
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