Apartman i Soba Columbo

Od 32,50-87,50 € na osebo
Cena na osebo/dan:a 27.50 €
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      Oglejte si zemljevid Oglejte si zemljevid

      Objekt je oddaljen 50 m od centra destinacije Split in 400 m od morja.

      Oddaljenost od objekta do plaže je 800 m, a vrsta plaže, na kateri se lahko kopate, je peščena in betonske plošče. Na plaži uživajte v morskim radostih, čistem morju in svežem zraku.

      Smart Choice oznaka, ki jo ima ta objekt, predstavlja najboljše razmerje cene in kvalitete po ocenah gostov, ki so bivali v namestitvi.

      Prav tako je omembe vredno, da ocena naših gosti, ki so obiskali to destinacijo, znaša visokih 4,3 od maksimalne možne ocene 5, kar hkrati potrjujejo določeno kvalitetote turistične destinacije.



      Z rezervacijo preko Adriagate prejmete darilni bon v vrednosti 50 do 150 €, ki ga lahko unovčite pri naslednji rezervaciji. Za več informacij obiščite Darilni bon »

      Splošnii pogoji
      Smart choice (Pametna odločitev) – nastanitev je izbrana in ocenjena s strani Adriagate. Predstavlja najboljše razmerje med kvaliteto in ceno.
      Cena od: 32,50 €

      Free Internet
      Free Air conditioning
      Smart choice (Pametna odločitev) – nastanitev je izbrana in ocenjena s strani Adriagate. Predstavlja najboljše razmerje med kvaliteto in ceno.
      Cena od: 27,50 €

      Free Internet
      Free Air conditioning

      Dobro je vedeti

      Drugo i dodatne storitve
      • Oskrba z vodo: mestni vodovod
      Check in
      • Check-in: 14:00
      Check out
      • Check-out: 10:00
      • Vrsta plaže: peščena in betonske plošče
      • Najbližja plaža: 800 m
      • Magistralna cesta na poti do plaže
      Pristup objektu
      • Dostop osebnega vozila do objekta: dober
      • Prometna povezanost z javnimi prevoznimi sredstvi: dobra
      Podatki o najemodajalcu
      • Znanje angleškega jezika
      Možno plačati s karticami

      Komentarji gostov

      Skupna ocena gostov
      Vrednost za denar

      • Popoln 4.8
        Rodina Germany
        Apartmán 43051-A3 05/01/2025
        Gerne wieder!
        Die besondere Gastfreundlichkeit von Vinko und seiner Frau hat uns sehr beeindruckt. Die Lage der Wohnung ist optimal für Ausflüge in die Umgebung und die Altstadt von Trogir fußläufig in ein paar Minuten zu erreichen.
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 4.6
        Skupina prijateljev Germany
        Apartmán 43051-A4 24/11/2024
        Freundliche Gastgeber, nahe der Altstadt- fairer Preis
        Wir waren für 2 Nächte dort. Saubere Ferienwohnung mit guter Ausstattung. Freundlicher Gastgeber, nah zum Abflug.
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear (ime), your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 4.6
        Herbert Helmut
        Pár Germany
        Apartmán 43051-A3 28/10/2024
        Alles Notwendige vorhanden auf kleinem Raum
        Der kurze Weg zum historischen Stadtkern Trogir, den Weg entlng der großen Havenanlage für die Vielzahl von Booten, die Hebebücke, die kurzen Wege für den Eigenbedarf und die Ruhe für den Nachtschlaf hat uns für die Kleine Wohnung eingenommen. Der kurze Weg nach Split ind in die nähere Umgebungs weten den Standort noch auf. Der eingeschräkte Komfor bezieht sich auf die geringe Selbstversorgung, die für uns auch nicht benötigt wurde. Sehr Hilfsbereite vermieter.
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Herbert, your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 4.8
        Skupina prijateljev New Zealand
        Apartmán 43051-A4 24/10/2024
        Awesome hosts who go beyond to make you welcome
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Martyn, your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 4.6
        Skupina prijateljev France
        Apartmán 43051-A4 03/10/2024
        Appartement trogir
        Appartement très bien entretenu, propriétaires très sympas
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Jean-Pierre, your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 5
        Skupina prijateljev Italy
        Apartmán 43051-A4 21/09/2024
        Proprietario gentile e disponibile ,app.to grande e pulito
        Bellissimo paese pulito colorato con gente sorridente e disponibile
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Monica, your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 5
        Skupina prijateljev Czech Republic
        Apartmán 43051-A2 28/08/2024
        Vše super !!!! Hlavně majitelé super lidé.
        Majitelé nejlepší, co si umíte představit. Krásné ubytování, milí lidé, ochotni udělat pro své hosty vše. Nemáme, co vytknout. Trogir krásný 😀.
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Jana, your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 4.8
        Rodina Hungary
        Apartmán 43051-A3 13/08/2024
        A szállás elhelyezkedése
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Erika, your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 5
        Rodina Hungary
        Apartmán 43051-A4 10/08/2024
        Tengerre néző ablakok.
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Gyula, your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski
      • Popoln 4.6
        Rodina United States of America
        Apartmán 43051-A4 11/07/2024
        Apartment Vinko Stay
        The Apartment Vinko was a perfect place for us to stay for our family of six. There are three bedrooms, small kitchen, family room, and outdoor eating area on the balcony. The location is perfect to access Trogir, boats, airport, and beaches. The host was extremely kind and generous. They are very nice people, accommodating, and live on site so they are available if needed. The apartment was extremely clean upon arrival and they checked in with us over our one week stay. There is a boat tour to the islands available to book near apartment or over the walking bridge in Trogir. Look for a ferry to Okug Gornj to head to a beach with trampoline and cafes. Brown beach is just down the street for closer alternative. There is a Ribola grocery store just a block away along with quick food options, cafe, and bakery. This apartment is is a fantastic location and you don''t have to walk the steep hills that are in Ciova for accommodations. (we''ve done that before and learned our lesson) The apartment is in the back and there is only one flight of stairs to access. Parking was available for free as well.
        The only reason that the comfort was not 5 star was due to the extremely hard bed that caused my back to have pain. Not all the beds were the same, but the one in the master was not very comfortable.
        Prevedi v slovenski
        Dear Danielle, your satisfaction is of the most importance for us and therefore we thank you for sharing it. We hope that you will visit Croatia and be our guest again. With kind regards, Adriagate
        Prevedi v slovenski


      • Center mesta: 50 m
      • Oddaljenost od morja: 400 m
      • Trgovina: 200 m
      • avtobusne postaje: 200 m
      • Letališče: 23000 m
      • Letališče: Split
      • Pristanišče: 700 m
      • Najbližja trajektna luka: Split
      • Prometna cesta: 100 m
      • Lekarna: 100 m
      • Ambulanta: 100 m
      • Menjalnica: 100 m
      • Bencinska črpalka: 1200 m
      • Oddaljenost od prve sosednje domačije: 5 m
      • Najbližja plaža: 800 m
      • Magistralna cesta na poti do plaže
      • Vrsta plaže: peščena in betonske plošče
      • Igrišča za tenis: 1500 m
      • Banka: 100 m
      • Pošta: 500 m
      • Bar: 150 m
      • Restavracija: 150 m
      • Muzej/galerija: 400 m
      • Disco club: 500 m

      Zagotovite si ugoden dopust!

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