Maison Murtelica

Kraj - Tkon - île de Pasman  
De 25,00-46,43 € par personne
Prix par personne / jour: 25.00 €
Le client:
2 personnes
  • Adultes(18+)
  • Les enfants(12-18)
  • Les enfants (3-11)
  • Bébés(0-2)
Réservation faite en moins de 2 minutes.
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      Maison isolée
      Résultats sur la carte Résultats sur la carte
      The holiday house is placed on the island of Pasman, in the bay Soline, directly on the beach, and it is available to rent during the spring and summer, till early autumn. The island of Pasman has a regular connection with the mainland - it takes about 15min with the ferry to get to the island from Biograd na moru, and the ferry is leaving more then 10 times a day. This house to rent is accessible by car, on a rough makeshift road over the hill. The house is accessible by car, on a makeshift and somewhat coarse (gravel / earth) road over the hill, that can be affected by weather conditions. For this reason, these roads are not recommended for lowered cars, but that does not mean that you necessarily have to have an SUV or a four-wheeler. These roads are passable for a normal car, with slow and careful driving. Ferry tickets are not included in the price. Minimum stay is 7 days, from Saturday to Saturday only. Up to 4 persons may be accommodated here. There are two bedrooms, each with two twin beds that can be transformed into a double bed. The kitchen contains cutlery and crockery, cooking stove and a refrigerator with freezer compartment. This is a pet-friendly accommodation - pets are on request and against surcharge welcome. The water tank holds 30.000 l. Electricity is generated by solar power 220 V. Running cold water is installed in the kitchen and worm water in the bathroom, solar-powered. The water and electricity should be spent here sparingly. The water is originally tap water, but as it is staying in the tank in hot weather, we recommend it to be boiled before drinking, or that the users of accommodation would purchase bottled water for drinking. The kitchen is equipped with cutlery and crokery, refrigerator with freezer compartment and cooking stove on gas. Bed linen and bathroom towels are prepared for you. Fresh bed linen arrives once a week. Beach towels are not available, therefore please bring your own. We recommend that you bring your mobile phone, so you can contact us in case of need. You may recharge your mobile phone in the house, with your regular household recharger. In the same bay there are two restaurants that have 220V electricity provided by generators. There is the possibility to rent a motorboat (on request, and provided that the client owns an boat driving license for open waters). Kindly check in during the morning till early afternoon at our agency, because the transfer and the arrival to the reserved accommodation unit is very inconvenient at night. After the check-in in our agency you will travel to the island. If you find these details unclear or you have any further questions for which answers can not be found here, please contact us. The Agency can not be held responsible if the customer does not inquire for the details that are important to him but are not mentioned, or for details of the object which are out of any reason not completely clear to the customer.

      Voir plus  Fermer 


      En réservant via Adriagate, vous obtenez un bon cadeau de 50 à 150 €, que vous pouvez utiliser lors de votre prochaine réservation. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site Bon cadeau »

      Les Conditions générales
      Smart Choice – Cet hébergement a été choisi et noté par Adriagate Il représente le meilleur rapport qualité/prix.
      Prix a partir de: 25,00 €

      Pet friendly
      Animal de compagnie accepté uniquement sur demande auprès de l'agence (paiement auprès du propriétaire)
      x 4
      x 2
      x 1
      • Animal domestique: 8 € par jour

      Bon à savoir

      Autres informations et services
      • Maisons isolée
      • Approvisionnement de l'eau: Le réservoir pour l'eau
      • L'abreuvage solaire (220 V)
      • Čamac: uniquement sur demande auprès de l'agence
      • L'enrégistrement: 13:00
      Le départ
      • Le départ: 09:00
      Normes de sécurité
      • Désinfection entre les séjours des clients
      • Entretien de la literie selon les directives du gouvernement local
      • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible
      • Mesure de la température du personnel
      • Application des équipements de protection et de distance
      • La plage: les petits graviers
      • La plage la plus proche: 30 m
      Place de parking
      • Place de parking
      • Distance du parking: Devant la maison
      Accès au logement
      • Accessibilité en voiture: route de gravier (attention durant la conduite)
      • Services de transport public: assez difficile
      Activitées et commodités
      • Barbecue
      • Amarrage a bateau
      Concernant le propriétaire
      • Connaissance de la langue anglaise
      • Connaissance de la langue allemande
      • Connaissance de la langue italienne
      Il est possible de payer par carte

      Commentaire des clients

      Note totale des clients

      • Excellent 5
        Famille Switzerland
        Maison 14881-K1 26/08/2014
        Accueil sympa par le propriétaire, emplacement paradisiaque, restaurant à proximité cool et très bon!


      • Centre-ville: 5000 m
      • Distance (vol d'oiseau) jusque la mer: 30 m
      • Magasin: 5000 m
      • Aéroport: 40000 m
      • Aéroport le plus proche: Zadar
      • Port de ferry: 5000 m
      • Ferry le plus proche: Tkon
      • Route bruyante: 3000 m
      • Pharmacie: 5000 m
      • Ambulance: 5000 m
      • Bureau de change: 5000 m
      • Distance de la premiere maison: 15 m
      • La plage la plus proche: 30 m
      • La plage: les petits graviers
      • Bureau de poste: 5000 m
      • Le bar: 30 m
      • Le restaurant: 30 m
      • La location de vélo: 5000 m

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