
Tourist destination info Liznjan

Ližnjan is a fishing village with a naturally protected harbor, located on a small peninsula at the southernmost tip of Istria. The village looks onto the clear blue sea and the Kvarner islands in their full glory. There are 28 km of beautiful and pristine mostly rocky beaches. The history of this small town is really fascinating as evidenced by the settlement sites of over 7000 years old, the remains of Roman villas, amphora pieces and old wrecks that can still be found at the bottom of the sea. It is an ideal place for nature lovers and for those who want to relax away from the traffic, while at the same time staying close to the center of entertainment. Residents of this town, apart from tourism, also engage in fishing just as they did thousands of years ago.

An undiscovered jewel, a small island Levan is located beneath its coasts, with a beautiful sandy beach and two catering objects, and ideal place for those in search of adventure and different sea experience. Visit the church Gospa od Kuj ( built in the 17th century on the same place where once stood a roman villa) and st. Marti church ( from 1879, built on earlier remains, with the statue of saint Titular). Visit the lighthouses Lanterna and Galiola, as well as Svetica ( ancient building with double walls). Like any other Dalmatian place, Liznjan organizes numerous festivities during summer, the most famous of which are “Liznjan night” ( traditional national festivity on August 4), club race ( competition in underwater on April 18) and Velika Gospa ( national festivity with music and gastronomic specialties on August 15). In the evening hours you can enjoy numerous delicacies of restaurant “Bak”, tavern “Galiola”, pizzeria “Kontiki” and the restaurant “Old fisherman”. While you are in Loznjan, do not forget to visit major tourist destinations such as Pula, Porec and Rovinj.

Pula is a town of rich history and cultural monuments. The center of Pula is dominated by an amphitheater which is 6th biggest in the world. This town is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Istria. See its numerous cultural monuments and get to know at least one part of its history. Besides the amphitheater, the most important monuments are : Augustus temple, the arch of the Sergijev, Forum, Hercules’ gate, St. Franjo church and convent, castles and the navy graveyard. Sports and recreation lovers can enjoy windsurfing, basketball, tennis, sailing, panoramic flights, hiking, golf, diving and numerous other activities in Pula.

Rovinj is a town situated in the west coast of Istria. It is famous for its natural heritage and historical monuments. Do not miss to see the natural beauties of this town and its surroundings such as: Limaska Draga, the islands of Rovinj with the coastal area, park forest “Zlatni rat”, “Fantazija” quarry, Palud swamp and the islands Dvije Sestrice. The most significant historical sites are the old town, town walls and gates, St. Eufemija church, St. Trinity baptistery, Franciscan monastery and the castle on the island of St. Andrija.

Porec is one of the most important tourist destinations in Istria. Visit its historical sites: North tower, Pentagonal tower, medieval walls and the Eufrasian basilica. We recommend you visit natural beauties such as Baredine pitch, Mark pitch, Pincin pitch and the group of trees around the church of St. Ana near Cervar. For those in search of sports and recreation, there is the possibility of diving, sailing, water skiing, hiking, cycling, hunting, paintball and many other activities.

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    Keep exploring Liznjan Region:

    Destinations nearby

  • Medulin ( 1.82  km)
  • Premantura ( 4.89  km)
  • Banjole ( 7.18  km)
  • Pula ( 9.65  km)
  • Muntic ( 10.87  km)
  • Stinjan (Pula) ( 13.35  km)
  • Valbandon ( 14.35  km)
  • Fazana ( 16.35  km)
  • Vodnjan ( 16.76  km)
  • Krnica (Pula) ( 16.76  km)
  • Brijuni ( 18.09  km)
  • Divsici (Marcana) ( 18.23  km)
  • Peroj ( 18.65  km)
  • Rakalj ( 18.74  km)
  • Bratulici (Marcana) ( 19.54  km)
  • What our guests say about Liznjan

    Overall guest rating
    Touristic offer
    Friendly locals

    • Excellent 5
      Famille Poland
      Opinia zakwaterowania
      Mała i cicha miejscowość która jest dobrą bazą wypadową do zwiedzania. W pobliżu dużo małych kameralnych plaż.
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    • Excellent 4.6
      Famille Germany
      Wir kommen wieder
      Ein schöner Ort zum Bummeln, lecker Essen gehen und schöne Strände sind auch in der Nähe. Wir haben die nicht so überlaufenen Strände inkl. abenteuerlicher Buckelpisten dort hin bevorzugt. Waren mit Kleinkind und großem Hund gereist. Sehr kinder- und hundefreundlich. Wir kommen definitiv wieder.
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    • Excellent 5
      En couple Germany
      Schöne Wohnung und tolle Vermieter
      Es war sehr schön in der Ferienwohnung. Alles vorhanden was man im Urlaub braucht. Sogar eine Waschmaschine. Süße kleine Terrasse zum verweilen, oder zum Frühstück. Vermieter sehr nett. Auch sein Restaurant in Pula urgemütlich. Tolle Küche 👌👌 Bilder hochladen geht leider nicht 🤨
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    • Excellent 4.8
      Famille Germany
      Sehr schöner Urlaub in einer sehr schönen Ferienwohnung
      Unser Urlaub in Liznjan in der Ferienwohnung von Ana war sehr schön. Die Wohnung war modern eingerichtet und es hat uns an nichts gefehlt. Alles war freundlich und sauber. Bei Fragen oder Anliegen stand uns unsere Vermieterin jederzeit zur Verfügung. Die Leute in Liznjan waren sehr nett und es gab auch viele Angebote und Sehenswürdigkeiten. Wir kommen jederzeit gern wieder und können die Unterkunft sehr weiterempfehlen.
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    • Excellent 5
      Famille Czech Republic
      Příjemné místo a vlídní hostitelé
      Určitě doporučuji, dlouhé pláže, každý si najde místo téměř o samotě, paní hostitelka, velmi vstřícná, poradila , kde si koupit regionální zeleninu, víno. Také se mám líbil výlet lodí SANDRA v Medulinu, cca 3 km od Ližnjanu. Z našeho pohledu je lépe přijet autem.
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    • Excellent 5
      Famille Hungary
      Pár km-re van a Kamenjak-félsziget. Ez kihagyhatatlan, gyönyörű vadregényes hely. Érintetlen partszakaszok, fantasztikus sziklás, kavicsos, homokos partok egyaránt. És nincs tömegnyomor! Már sokszor voltam Horvátországban, sok helyen, de eddig a Kamenjak-félsziget a csúcs!!! A belépő sem vészes 40 KN/autó. Kb 2 hét kellene, hogy minden partszakaszt végignézzen, kipróbáljon az ember, elsőre nem sikerült, így biztos, hogy ide még visszajövünk! Nagyon közel van Pula és Rovinj sincs messze, mindkettő gyönyörű város. Az emberek kedvesek. A tenger gyönyörű, mint mindenhol Horvátországban. :)
      Egy fél napot szenteltünk Medulinban a Bijeca nevezetű strandra, de szerintem nem is ér többet. Kemény letaposott homok, tele szeméttel, cigarettacsikkekkel, és mint a heringek az emberek. Annyira azért nem jó.
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    • Excellent 4.6
      Famille Hungary
      Hangulatos és barátságos volt!
      Mindennel elégedett voltam!
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    • Very good 3.4
      Famille Hungary
      A helybeliek kedvessége, segítôkészsége. A falu hangulata
      A tengerpart itt nem olyan mint ami a leírásban szerepel
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    • Fabulous 4.4

      schöner ort
      auch wenn es ein bisschen außerhalb liegt ist mann in ein paar minuten mitten im zentrum medulin
      war alles top
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    • Fabulous 4

      En couple
      atmosfera rilassante
      la tranquillità del posto
      la distanza dal mare
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    Liznjan recommended accommodation

    * prices for June 2025 based on the maximum capacity for a minimum stay of 7 days

    Apartment - Liznjan Apartment David From 65 €
    • Liznjan,
    • Persons: 2-4
    • Guests rating: 4.5
    • Most recent reservation 10 days ago
    House - Liznjan Casa Ginetto From 547 €
    • Liznjan,
    • Persons: 1-8
    • Most recent reservation 1 days ago
    House - Liznjan Villa Villa Ruža From 270 €
    • Liznjan,
    • Persons: 1-9
    • Guests rating: 3.6
    • Most recent reservation 6 hours ago
    • Liznjan,
    • Persons: 1-4
    • Most recent reservation 13 hours ago

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